Appointments are suggested for the following type of questions:
- Multi-Quarter planning (2+ quarters)
- Change of major information for those from outside CENG or 2+ years/transfers switching within CENG
- Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
- International Exchange Program / Study Abroad
- Returning from a leave of informal time off
- Readmission appointment
- Support for financial aid SAP appeal
To Schedule Your Appointment, click on the button below.
You will be able to book an appointment 26 hours in advance and 14 days out.
If you have issues scheduling your appointment, please send us an email at
Please book your appointment using your Cal Poly email address. There are known issues that Cal Poly email addresses that forward to Google Accounts (Gmail email addresses) are not making it into student's inboxes. It is best practice to use your Cal Poly email address for all communications with Cal Poly. To stop forwarding emails, please see the Remove My Email Delivery Address directions.

Review Advisor Availability if you prefer an in-person appointment.