Academic Probation & Disqualification Policy

Academic Probation Support

My CP Well Counseling Services

Academic Probation and Disqualification

Many students face academic difficulty at some point in their college careers—you are not alone! There are many people across campus that are here to support you in your academic journey.

Step 1: Academic Probation Policy

Students whose term/quarter, CPSLO, or Higher Ed GPAs fall below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation (AP). Being on academic probation causes many students (and supporters) to feel confused, overwhelmed, and stressed. If that's you, take a deep breath-we're here to help!

Know Your Status

First, it helps to understand your status. The academic probation policy breaks down varying levels of severity into two statuses: Academic Probation Status and Disqualification StatusBe sure to read the difference between these statuses and learn more about which applies to you. 

Note that disqualification status does not automatically equate to dismissal from the university.

Below are the Disqualification Thresholds to be aware of:

Academic progress levels and GPA limits
Academic Progress Level IV (75.1%-100%) 1.950 Cal Poly Cumulative or Higher Ed GPA
Academic Progress Level III (45.1%-75%) 1.850 Cal Poly Cumulative or Higher Ed GPA
Academic Progress Level II (20.1%-45%) 1.700 Cal Poly Cumulative or Higher Ed GPA
Academic Progress Level I (0%-20%) 1.500 Cal Poly Cumulative or Higher Ed GPA

Step 2: Requirements for the College of Engineering

Students in the College of Engineering will be required to participate in a tailored intervention as a means of providing support and to promote student success.  All students will receive an email stating exactly what they are required to do and the deadline for completing it.

All students on Academic Probation at the end of Winter Quarter 2025 must complete their intervention by Friday, April 25, 2025.

If you had an appointment with an advisor after grades were finalized on 3/28/25, that meeting will count as your required intervention.

Step 3: Reflection on Previous Quarters

It's important to reflect on how your quarter went and how you would like to approach future quarters to meet your academic goals. We recommend reviewing each of these categories to get more information on resources and skills that could help you improve your academic performance.

Step 4: Goal-Setting & Moving Forward

It is important to set small, attainable goals to help move you toward your long term goal. There are also resources that can help with goal-setting and moving forward. 

    Step 5: Support Resources

    Department & Resources

    Contact Information

    Multicultural Engineering Program

    Our advisors are here to support you! Our program sends out biweekly newsletters to keep you updated on resources and events! Visit our website to learn more!


    Writing & Learning Center

    Tutoring services and writing support are free to use. Make your appointment online!


    Also check out the Engineering Help Hub (canvas course with Zoom link) to meet informally with peers and classmates for support in your courses!

    (808) 756-6032

    Study Strategies Library &

    Academic Skills Center

    Both of these resources are designed to enrich academic development. Includes workshops and resources for academic support.

    (805) 756-1256

    Campus Health & Wellbeing

    Visit Campus Health & Wellbeing's page to stay up to date on current information and connect with Health Services or Counseling Services by calling their line. They also have counselors that can meet with you virtually!

    Health Services:


    Counseling Services:


    Study Sessions & Supplemental Workshops

    Group tutoring sessions provide a collaborative learning environment for STEM courses. Supplemental workshops are led by trained peer facilitators and are designed to help you master course concepts. These will now be offered virtually - check out their website for more information! 

    Study Session:

    Supplemental Workshops:

    Student Academic Services

    Student Academic Services (SAS) is a network of academic services, advisors,and activities designed to assist you in excelling at Cal Poly and in enhancing your learning skills.

    Academic Skills Center:

    Black Academic Excellence Center:

    Cal Poly Scholars:

    Dream Center:

    Educational Opportunity Program:

    Transfer Center:

    TRIO Achievers:






    Related Content

    Academic Probation & Disqualification Policy

    Academic Probation Support

    My CP Well Counseling Services

    Multicultural Engineering Program


    International Exchange Program - Study Abroad


    Writing and Learning- Tutoring


    Quick Links

    Academic Probation
    Block Scheduling
    Office of the Registrar

