Software Engineering Website

Cal Poly Catalog

Software Engineering

About Software Engineering

Software engineering covers the development, deployment and maintenance of software systems. Software engineers understand the challenges of large-scale systems development and are equipped with the necessary technical, process and people skills to be productive in a team environment. Both technical and team management skills are needed. As a student, you can find more information below that pertains directly to your major.

Faculty Advisors

For additional information on assigned Faculty Advisors please see the CSC Faculty Advising Page.

Course Substitutions

As curriculum changes between different catalog years, you may question what courses automatically transfer between catalogs. The following changes below apply to SE majors only and a petition will not be required.

All SE Students:

Your catalog You may use: To substitute for:
2022-26 Any GE Area C2 course (4) PHIL 230 or PHIL 231 (4)
2020-21 through 2022-26 An upper-division course that has CSC 202 or 203 listed as a pre-requisite Technical Elective with a pre-requisite requirement
2020-21 through 2022-26 CSC 305, 313, 325, 369, 371, 377, 378, 480, 493, CPE 315, DATA 301 Technical Elective with a pre-requisite
2021-22 through 2022-26

4 additional units of approved CSC Technical Electives


A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science A Test

CPE/CSC 123 (4)
2015-17 through 2022-26 STAT 305 (4)

Math/Stat Elective (4)


External Technical Elective (4)


2015-17 through 2020-21 CSC 248 (4) CSC 348 (4)
2015-17 through 2020-21 Any GE Area A3 Course (4) ENGL 149 (4)
2015-17 through 2020-21 CSC/CPE 425 Technical Elective
2015-17 through 2020-21 CSC 524  Technical Elective
2015-17 through 2022-26 CPE/EE 133 (4) + CPE/EE 233 (4) 

CSC 225 (4)

Note: this also applies to students pursuing a CSC minor.

2013-15 through 2020-21 CSC 549 Technical Elective
2013-15 through 2017-19 IME 315 (3) IME 314 (3)
2013-15 through 2017-19 CSC 497 and CSC 498 Approved Technical Electives
2015-17 through 2017-19 CSC/CPE 469

Approved Technical Electives

2013-15 through 2017-19 STAT 334 OR STAT 434 Approved External Technical Electives
2013-15 through 2017-19 CSC 313, CSC 377, CSC 482, and CSC 487 Approved Technical Electives
2013-15 through 2017-19 CSC 448, 482, and 487 Approved Technical Electives with Prerequisite
2013-15 through 2020-21 PHIL 323 CSC 300
2011-13 through 2015-17 COMS 217 PSY 350/351
2009-11 through 2015-17 CSC 400 Approved Technical Electives (limited to 4 total units)
2015-17 CSC 492 (3 units)

CSC 492 (2 units) -

Additional unit will count towards Technical Electives

2015-17 CSC 141 (or transfer equivalent) if taken prior to Fall 2016 CSC 348

SE Transfer Students:

Your catalog you may use: to substitute for:
2019-20 through 2022-26 Transfer Student (non-Cal Poly) coursework that articulates to an approved B2 Life Science (4) Life Science Elective (4)
2021-22 through 2022-26 Any GE Area C2 Course (4) PHIL 230/231 (4)
2015-17 through 2022-26 4 excess units in transfer from STEM coursework (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) CPE 123

Proposed Course Offerings


Department flowcharts provide an example of an academic plan. The flowcharts serve as a guide for planning purposes.  

Curriculum Sheets

Curriculum sheets provide an outline of all the requirements needed to complete a degree.

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