Explore All Majors

Changing Majors Within the College of Engineering

Cal Poly terms used on this page

  • COM: Change of major
  • ICMA: Individualized Change of Major Agreement
  • Intended Major: major you plan on changing into
  • CENG: College of Engineering

If you are changing your major within the College of Engineering, you do NOT complete the university inquiry portlet through the My Cal Poly Portal. You are eligible to change if you meet the guidelines and requirements outlined below.

General Change of Major Guidelines

  1. Please review Cal Poly's Change of Major policy in full.
  2. Per campus policy, you must complete at least one quarter at Cal Poly before changing your major. Please Note: Quarter Plus Courses at Cal Poly do not count for the one quarter requirement.
  3. Per campus policy, you are allowed one change of major agreement (ICMA) per major. If you enter into an ICMA and do not complete the agreement’s requirements, either by failing to complete the terms or by opting out due to a change of plan or interest, you will not be eligible to request that same major again.
  4. You must be able to graduate within 5 years (within 3 years for transfer students) from when you were admitted. A realistic quarter-by-quarter graduation plan may be required to demonstrate whether this is feasible.
  5. The College of Engineering reviews the change of major criteria below during summer. Changes are posted on this page before fall quarter begins. If changes are necessary at any other point during the year, they will be reflected on this page. Please check the current criteria before submitting your application. (Note to newly admitted students that are considering changing their major: we will not be able to determine if your desired major will be available when you start at Cal Poly until this review process is completed over summer.)
  6. If you are a former student who left the College of Engineering in poor standing and were accepted into another college at Cal Poly, you do not have the option of applying for a change of major back into the College of Engineering.

Step 1: Research

Complete Required Research

Complete the research necessary to ensure your decision.

  • Please refer to the Change of Major Application (linked at the bottom of this page) for research requirements.
  • If you are switching out of CSC or SE only: You are required to meet with your current department chair to do an exit interview before changing majors.

(OPTIONAL) Attend an Engineering Change of Major Workshop

If you are interested in changing your major into or within the College of Engineering and want to feel more confident in your decision, we recommend attending this workshop. An Engineering Student Services Academic Advisor and Career Counselor will review the policy and procedure for changing your major to an engineering discipline, create discussion and dialogue about changing your major, and help you strategize next steps to become more confident in your major decision.

Winter 2025 Workshop Calendar:

  • Friday, January 17, 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM, Virtual via Zoom; Register via HandShake for 1/17
  • Wednesday, January 22, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM, Building 124, Room 117; (CANCELED, will be rescheduled for a future date)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM, Building 124, Room 117; Register via HandShake for 2/5

Spring 2025 Workshop Calendar:

Step 2: Check Major Specific Criteria

Aerospace Engineering

To change to AERO, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.750 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our AERO page.

Biomedical Engineering

To change to BMED, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.750 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our BMED page.

Civil Engineering

To change to CE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.750 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our CE page.

Computer Engineering

Switching from CSC or SE

To change to CPE from CSC or SE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

Switching from all other CENG majors (originally admitted)

To change to CPE from all other CENG majors (except CSC/SE), you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.750 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our CPE page.

Computer Science

Switching from CPE (originally admitted) or SE

To change to CSC from CPE (originally admitted) or SE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

Switching from all other CENG majors (originally admitted)

To change to CSC from all other CENG majors (except CPE/SE), you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 3.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our CSC page.

Electrical Engineering

To change to EE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.750 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our EE page.

Environmental Engineering

To change to ENVE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.750 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our ENVE page.

General Engineering

To change to GENE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our GENE page.

Industrial Engineering

To change to IE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.600 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our IE page.

Manufacturing Engineering

To change to MFGE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our MFGE page.

Materials Engineering

To change to MATE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our MATE page.

Mechanical Engineering

To change to ME, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.700 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA
  • If a student was originally admitted to GENE and is switching from GENE to ME, Cal Poly Cumulative GPA must be a 2.000 and student must be in good academic standing.

Please note: Change of major students take ME 228 + 263 + 264 instead of the freshman introductory series (ME 128 + 129 + 130 + 163). Change of major students take IME 143 instead of IME 145 +146.

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our ME page.

Software Engineering

Switching from CPE (originally admitted) or CSC

SE will accept the first 20 qualified applicants from any major per academic year. We will post on this website when applications are filled for the year.

To change to SE from CPE (originally admitted) or CSC, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

Switching from all other CENG majors (originally admitted)

SE will accept the first 20 qualified applicants from any major per academic year. We will post on this website when applications are filled for the year.

To change to SE from all other CENG majors (except CPE/CSC), you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 3.000 Cal Poly cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 2.000 Term GPA

To determine if your introductory and/or other major and support courses will automatically substitute in your new major, please review the "Students Who Have Changed Their Major" section under the "Course Substitutions" tab on our SE page.

Step 3: Complete Engineering's Change of Major Application

  • Submitting a complete Change of Major Application may result in the change of major being initiated if the requirements are met, so you must be sure of your decision before submitting.
  • Review the entire application before filling it out. This application requires specific action on your part that you may need to schedule time to complete. 
  • After you meet all of the requirements listed on this page and submit your application below, you will receive an email from evaluations@calpoly.edu within about one week that will link to your ICMA and will require your prompt approval.
  • If you are changing for the second or more time, then you may be required to make an appointment with an advisor. You will be contacted by email if this is required.
  • Applications will close at 5:00 PM PST on the last day of instruction each quarter and will re-open after the Cal Poly cumulative GPA posts.

Change of Major Application to Non-Computing Majors

Change of Major Application to Computing Majors (Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Software Engineering)

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