Students Returning with 16 Units or Less to Complete Degree

Please follow the directions below depending on the time you have been away from Cal Poly.

Away from Cal Poly for less than 10 Years

Step # 1: Complete Paperwork

Complete the Former Student Evaluation Request Form.

Please note that this process can take 8-12 weeks.

By submitting this form, the Office of the Registrar will update your student records and send Engineering Student Services a copy of your graduation evaluation to review.

Step # 2: Send Email

Email Dawn Sirois with the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Major
  • Catalog Year (Example: 2011-13)
  • Courses you believe you have outstanding
  • The date the "Former Student Evaluation Request" form was submitted to the Office of the Registrar

Step # 3: Evaluation is Completed

Dawn Sirois will contact you upon receiving the updated evaluation from the Office of the Registrar and review your options to complete your degree.

Away from Cal Poly for more than 10 Years

Step # 1: Complete Paperwork

Complete the Former Student Evaluation Request Form.

Please note that this process can take 8-12 weeks.

By submitting this form, the Office of the Registrar will update your student records and send Engineering Student Services a copy of your graduation evaluation to review.

Step # 2: Send Email

Email Dawn Sirois with the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Major
  • Catalog Year (Example: 2001-03)
  • Courses you believe you have outstanding
  • The date the "Former Student Evaluation Request" form was submitted to the Office of the Registrar

Step # 3: Request to Graduate on Old Catalog

Submit the following to Dawn Sirois:

  • Current resume showing you have been working in the field relating to your major
  • One page statement showcasing how you have remained current in the Engineering field since leaving Cal Poly. This is also your opportunity to provide the Department any information they should be aware of when making their decision. 
    • The reason we require currency in the field is due to the fact that if you request to graduate on a catalog older than 10 years is approved, you will eventually receive a degree in the current year.

If you are unsure whether you have less than 16 units remaining to graduate, or unsure of your catalog year, please wait to submit the above documents until your evaluation is updated by the Office of the Registrar.

Step # 4: Review Process

Once the above documents are submitted to Dawn Sirois and the Office of the Registrar has confirmed your catalog and remaining degree requirements, your request will be routed to the Department Chair, the Dean of Engineering, and the Vice Provost of Academic Programs for review. This review process could take up to 4 weeks.

If the University approves your request to graduate on a catalog older than 10 year, Dawn Sirois will work with you on how to complete your remaining requirements.

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